The purpose of the FRBC nursery is to provide a safe, nurturing, Christ-honoring place for infants and children through three years old and to promote a distraction-free worship service environment. Our nursery is available Sunday morning during the 9:30 Sunday School hour and the 11:00 AM worship service, as well as our Wednesday, mid-week service at 7:00 PM.
We have infant (newborn through 17 months) and toddler (18 months through 3 years) zones. Sturdy walkers may join the toddler zone earlier than 18 months old.
A private nursing room is available next to the infant nursery. We teach age-appropriate Biblical lessons in the Sunday school hour and encourage developmentally appropriate behaviors in all nursery shifts (ex: sharing, kindness).
“Puff” snacks are available to infants if authorized by parents. Nut-free snacks and water are provided to toddlers. You may bring bottles for infants or snacks for toddlers (because of an allergy). We are not able to offer spoon feeding for infants.
Infant-safe toys, books, puzzles, play equipment, swings, and cribs are provided for infants.
Toys, puzzles, books, and play stations (kitchen, train table, soft building blocks, and more) are available for toddlers.
Furniture, play equipment, toys, and surfaces are sanitized after use.
Workers and children with symptoms of illness are asked to not come to the nursery.
Only adult female workers change diapers and help potty-training toddlers. Workers wear clean gloves and sanitize diapering stations after each use. We can apply rash cream if provided in your child’s bag.
We do not give medication (ex: Tylenol) to children.
It is common for young children to cry when separated from a parent. We will do our best to make your child feel safe and find fun or comforting activities. Most children cry only a short amount of time and soon enjoy the play time. If we cannot calm your child after a short time, we will text you for suggestions or ask you to come. If your child becomes unhappy during her stay and cannot be calmed in a short time, we will contact you.
For the safety of children in our care, only authorized personnel and nursery-age children may stay in the nursery.
The nursery opens 15 minutes before a service begins. Please promptly collect your child after the service ends. The nursery ministry is provided for those attending services and remaining on site.
A private nursing room is located next to the infant nursery.
Unfortunately, plush toys are hard to sanitize and may be a source of germs and squabbles with other young children. Please leave the favorite toy at home or in the car.
You may contact the church office at (970) 223-5757 or the nursery director at